Discovery Call
The first step in considering working with me is to schedule a 10-15 minute discovery call. The purpose of this call is to help me better understand your needs and to determine if I am the right fit for you and your desired goals. During the call, I will provide a brief overview of my approach to working with your specific issue and will answer any questions that arise about working together. If we both agree that there is a good fit, then an intake session will be scheduled.

Intake Session
Prior to the session, you will need to complete some initial client paperwork, which will be sent electronically. Please make sure to allow sufficient time to complete the paperwork. The purpose of the 60-minute intake session is to better understand your therapy, assessment, or coaching goals, to obtain detailed information about your history, past therapy or coaching, and to co-design the work together. The intake session is also about building a safe relationship and time will be spent getting to know one another better. I will make recommendations for next steps at the close of the intake session, and discuss follow-up appointments.

Follow-Up Appointments: Therapy and Coaching
Depending upon the outcome of the intake sessions, follow-up appointments are typically scheduled on a weekly basis for 50-minute intervals. As progress is made, follow-up appointments may be scheduled bi-monthly. Throughout the process, I will be checking in, and requesting feedback, to determine the effectiveness of the work and making adjustments as necessary.

Follow-Up Appointments: Testing
Following the assessment intake session, we will schedule testing sessions. Testing sessions are typically scheduled for a minimum of two hours and can sometimes take up to four hours, depending on the assessment structure and referral question. I work to schedule testing appointments in a manner that allows you to perform adequately, and I can plan testing appointments around school and work schedules. I also offer weekend testing appointments.
From the Blog
Recovering from Overperforming
Like many people during the pandemic, I worked significantly more hours than usual, often more than 70 hours per week. [read more]
How do you know when you need to make a change?
Sometimes change is easy. A major life event often precedes swift and “seemingly easy” change. Choices are limited and the path is clear. [read more]
Body Budget: Intelligent Energy Management
What is the primary function of our brain? Most people believe that our brains are primarily responsible for producing our thoughts, feelings, dreams, hopes, and behaviors. [read more]