I offer psychological assessment and evaluation for children and adults in Sewanee, TN.
Comprehensive diagnostic and psychoeducational assessments are offered for children and adults to address a wide range of referral questions, such as ADHD, Learning Differences, Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as other psychological conditions.
Assessments include several stages: a clinical interview, testing, and a feedback session. The feedback session will include a review of strengths, areas for development, and specific recommendations for support, accommodations, and/or treatment.
The assessment process can be conducted over several days. These assessments meet evaluation requirements for primary and secondary education, as well as higher education, and can be used in the IEP/504 and ADA accommodation process.
Interested in learning more assessment and evaluation services for you or your child? Contact me.
I do NOT provide assessments for emotional support animals.

From the Blog
Recovering from Overperforming
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How do you know when you need to make a change?
Sometimes change is easy. A major life event often precedes swift and “seemingly easy” change. Choices are limited and the path is clear. [read more]
Body Budget: Intelligent Energy Management
What is the primary function of our brain? Most people believe that our brains are primarily responsible for producing our thoughts, feelings, dreams, hopes, and behaviors. [read more]